New Update "Creeping snail"

Devil's Island

In this horror zombie survival game, set in a post-apocalyptic taiga forest, players must grapple with nature while managing hunger, thirst, health, and resources. They can collect mushrooms, craft items and weapons, cook raw meat, and battle various enemies.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41932201/ae36e5ca39a793e9dce81f28701a0ec105460629.png[/img][h2]Update "Creeping snail"[/h2] [olist] [*] New animal --> Snail + New meat "Toxic meat" [*] 2 new plot notes [*] New Item "Beer" (hidden in two places on the map, one each) [*] New option for melee weapons-> block time [*] Rifle Dmg up to 30, HeadShot down to x3 [*] Axe Dmg up to 15, blow to the head down to x2 [*] Pipe, blow to the head down to 2x [*] more health points for blueberries, cooked meat/fish [*] Viper sound max distance drop from 100 to 30 [*] Improved animations of all characters [*] Corrected Head Colliders for wolf and zombie Policeman (Headshots not worked correctly) [*] Hungry and Thirst falls slower by 10% [*] When Hungry and Thirst falls to 0, Health falls 500% faster [*] less gold for kill Zombie Policeman and Zombie Fisherman [*] improved weapon block [*] lightmap texel per unit drop down 45->32 for weaker graphics cards, without compromising graphics quality [/olist]