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Order from Caos

An epic pixel art RPG full of twists and challenging turn-based battles. Fight as Dan, a young man touched by the power of darkness who needs to find the cure for his curse and also save the world from humanity itself and the force of CAOS.

Hi guys. I hope you're having fun with Order from Caos. Some saw that I changed the logo. As I registered the brand, then, I needed to do something more unique. I hope you like it after all. The logo in the game will be updated in a later version. Making a game is a very tiring task, but being able to meet new friends and see the work done makes every effort worthwhile. And I thank everyone for their criticism and praise. I learned a lot from each one of you. Well, I would like to say a few more things. 1 - I'm developing a new game, but it's not an RPG it's a Survival Horror. I am working hard to learn the Unreal Engine better and have made good progress. The teaser trailer and the steam page are on their way.I really want to share more info with you guys. 2 - I'm working on the concept of the new RPG. I want to be able to have something really good for you next year. I'm drawing everything by hand. I really hope you like it when you leave. I'm working on the turn-based battle system, but what do you think? What kind of battle system do you prefer? 3 - Regarding Order from Caos. I am aware of typos in English and in some cases some gross translation errors. I didn't correct them for lack of time and not for sloppiness. It was 2,000 hours making the game. I would not like to reduce the quality due to lack of affection towards it and with those who play it. I would like to count on the support of the community to improve these issues. Doing everything yourself is really difficult, but not impossible. For those who can help me in this endeavor, I will make sure to add you in the credits of the game. Anyone who wants to help can send an email to: Thank you all for playing a game in which I deposited my soul!