New secondary weapons and visual updates!

Echo: Defy Death

A Roguelite RPG about betrayal, revenge, and how much you’re willing to pay to get it. Use echolocation to fight your enemies, make pacts with demons to grow stronger, gather weapons, find the one who stole your eyes and make them pay!

Hi all! We've been working very hard these months, and we’re making every second count. We're implementing a lot of systems and entire visual updates, so we wanted to share some of the things we added to give you a sense of progress! [b]A new echo shader and the environment is now entirely 3D! [/b] [list] [*] We really wanted to make the echo feel like sound waves, and we really like this direction we’re taking with 3D environments and the sound of "scanning" the area. It made the entire game feel a lot deeper and more immersive! [url=]New echo shader preview[/url] [/list] [b]Ultimate move now has starting animation![/b] [list] [*] There is no point in making a cool blind ninja game without some awesome animations before executing a killer move so we’ve started our work on creating the unique in which we will represent the ninjas attacks and personality and it really makes the move pop! [url=]Ultimate move animation preview[/url] [/list] [b]Environmental echolocation tools![/b] [list] [*] You can now use the environment to help you in combat and reveal bigger areas and many more uses and utilities! The Gong is my favorite at the moment since it openly invites all enemies to attack you but also reveals the entire room. [url=]Gong preview[/url] [/list] [b]Secondary weapons and loudness![/b] [list] [*] We’ve added a few secondary weapons to the game of which i think the most visually interesting one is the Great Club you take from the heavy enemies. It delivers a devastating attack and launches a powerful sound wave making the impact feel even stronger. [url=]Heavy weapon preview[/url] [/list] That’s just a small part of all the massive system updates we’re making, but this had enough visual appeal to be shown by our pretty rough standards. Also, we’re working on a lot of enemies and environments which we believe we will share very soon so stay tuned. Thank you so much for all of your support as we continue working to make the best echolocation roguelite game ever!