Design Marvels, the latest expansion for C..." inertia> Design Marvels, the latest expansion for C..." inertia> Design Marvels, the latest expansion for C..." inertia> New Release - Cities in Motion: Design Marvels DLC | Cities in Motion: Design Marvels | Gamehypes

New Release - Cities in Motion: Design Marvels DLC

Cities in Motion: Design Marvels

Design Marvels adds five brand new transit options to Cities in Motion. Increase speed, efficiency and capacity with these vehicles: Dino Vettore - The flagship of a vehicle North Italian company, Vettore is one of the largest buses ever produced. It provides two floors of comfortable seating with stairs in the front and rear.

Design Marvels, the latest expansion for Cities in Motion is now available on Steam for both Mac and PC!

Design Marvels adds five brand new transit options to increase speed, efficiency and capacity.