New price and info about future!

Catacombs 1: Demon War

Catacombs 1: Demon War is the first of a 3-chapter RPG/Adventure that puts you into the shoes of a brave young hero, building your strength to face long-buried secrets, deception and betrayal.

Hello gamers, I have revised the price of Catacombs 1: Demon War based on user feedback, as well as cemented future plans for the game. The price has been revised to $2.99 permanently, based on the 3-5 hour length of the game and user interactions. This should help those on the fence about the game. The game has undergone lots of updates and changes based on player feedback since 1.0, and is now a fairly balanced and solid game. No one strategy will always work. Also -- Catacombs 2: Hell's Wrath will be the follow-up to the game, and development has started. You'll be able to continue your character or start a new character, and will be around 3-5 hours in length as well. Release is tentatively scheduled for early 2018. Thanks and enjoy! Derek