New patch 0.9.8

Bakery Biz Tycoon

In Bakery Biz Tycoon you create your own way to the top of the cooked dough empire! Start with a small family bakery, expand your delights offer, create unique recipes, win Bakery Regional contests and make everyone talk about your legendary products. Your hands are full enough of flour?

The new patch introduces a completely new interface and a shortcut bar. More readable and intuitive. It improves resolution detection performance and other minor bugs. [h3][list] [*] [b]Interface[/b] [/list][/h3] New shortcut bar, now placed on the left side of the screen. It is more readable and contains more information, e.g. what profit we make on a given day or week. A new screen for company, production, marketing, counterattacks and store departments. Now more readable and spread over several tabs to view data. [h3][list] [*] [b]Bug fix[/b] [/list][/h3] More graphics options and manual resolution change have been introduced. Resolution detection and adjustment of window dimensions to the size of the system resolution have been improved. [h3][list] [*] [b]What's next[/b] [/list][/h3] The game will probably be released in a similar shape. After correcting any bugs in the game, I plan to release it within a few weeks.