Dive into a winter, snowy and freezing adventure, fight against demonic powers, explore, pick up gifts with items, find rare items, complete quests and solve the mystery behind these new, bizarre monsters that wreck havoc on Snowbelle Island!
Three minor bugs were fixed in this version. First, some graphical issues with the about-to-be-able-to-get-burned pillars were corrected. Secondly, bypassing the next to last boss can no longer be done and, thus, the pre-last boss fight is obligatory, as intended. Third, and last, the price of Apothecary's Satchel was raised from 3Rubies 3Emeralds and 3Sapphires to 3R4E3S, so that its buying price will be equal to its contents' selling price. In more detail:
Apothecary's Satchel contains 2 Elixir As, 2 Elixir Bs and 1 Elixir C. The Elixirs' combined selling total is equal to 3Rubies 4Emeralds 3Sapphires, which is the exact new price of Apothecary's Satchel. In essence, the currency exchange "exploit" is no longer available. It wasn't really any problem, but I understand that it was confusing.
Thanks to user Euphoniac, in the forums, who provided with some really nice and detailed intel for all these issues!
Have fun in our snowy adventure; The Winter's Deal - Frosty Edition!