New localization? Again?

Pigeon Hater

Your friends decided to play a prank on you for your birthday by giving you a whole box of dildos. Should you just throw this "gift" in the trash or seek revenge on those annoying pigeons? The decision is all yours!

[b]Hi, it's Ells&Pills![/b] Don't worry, this update does not add another dose of madness to the game too! This update includes: [list] [*] Localization of the game, game page and achievements into Polish. [*] Ability to invert the Y-axis in the options. We've been asked for this customization since the last game, so now we'll be adding this to every new game. [*] The game now minimizes correctly when you click on the Publisher's Games button. [*] Fixed a few minor visual bugs in the game. [/list]