In a world filled with yōkai, a surging dark power has overshadowed a Japanese town. A group of 2 developers have produced a Japanese pixel adventure game to tell a tale that dates back to the Heisei era...In the name of dreams and passion.
What’s up, everybody! I’m 月光蟑螂, the game developer of 拾英Studio. I’ve received tons of praises and suggestions after the release of Tales of the Black Forest. Thank you for your love and support.
I always believe that a polished and sophisticated game dedicated for the players is the best way express my gratitude.
A year after the release of my first game, my second one – Firework is release as if now.
This one is a detective game with a bit of horror element and a lot of Chinese-style storytelling.
Comparing to the storyline of Tales of the Black Forest, it of the Firework is more down to the earth and maybe even relating to people. The game itself is as story driven as it can be and the tension of the gameplay is drastically different from Tales of the Black Forest. It’s a new challenge for me and with challenge comes risks. It’s been a year of crunching through the development, and I’m quite sure that Firework will bring you a completely new experience for you.
It’ll be my honor if you are willing to support my latest effort, and I wish you an early Lunar New Year!