New Egg Build

Bad Egg

One egg stands alone vs an army of zombie chickens! Get to the chopper or you're clucked. A free-range frenzy from the eggheads behind Shell Shockers, Slayaway Camp and Plants vs Zombies.

A new build was uploaded today. Along with the last update which added new weapons and changed egg-chest behavior, we've now made many gameplay changes since initial released of the early access version. In the lastest update... [list] [*] Modified enemy behaviors to keep making waves and enemies more distinct and interesting [*] New mini-mini boss tough tattoo eyepatch chicken. Fast and lots of hit points. [*] Increased enemy spawns [*] Export mode waves can be played after winning the first 2 scenes on normal difficulty [*] The start of an end game stats panel that can be accessed from the mission report. Currently displays which upgrades you selected while playing your last run. [/list] Hope you enjoy the latest changes!