New DLC: CyberCity Core Tiles, CyberCity R&D Tiles

RPG Maker MZ

You want to create an RPG, but every game making tool you have found was either too complex or too limited? RPG Maker MZ empowers you with simple tools to create your RPG right out of the box, yet is customizable enough to make the exact RPG you want!

Get ready to explore the futuristic city with a new series from PVG with the new CyberCity Tiles! Build cities of grungy concrete, rusting metal, and shining neon with the CyberCity Core Tiles pack! PVGames is back with a new CyberCity series, focusing on the bright neon and grimy technology you want when making a modern or cyberpunk world. This pack contains thousands of tiles for you to play with, so get ready to build trash-filled alleyways, opulent apartments, bars filled with bottles and stages for bands, retro arcades, and streets lined with skyscrapers! Designed with parallax maps in mind, each tile comes in 8 directions so you can position things exactly how you want them to build your dream maps. Start with floor and wall panels to create your exterior streets (or use some of the included empty interiors for inside shops and houses) and then fill it with detailed 3D tiles to turn it into a busy marketplace where neon signs light up every square foot of space or a trashed side street with barrels filled with wood and broken bottles show that some people are calling that street home. Need a cozy place for your heroes to call home? Fill a room with bookshelves and arcade cabinets so they can relax. Need a sketchy club to find a bad guy? Then create a bar with stools and scattered bottles of booze on every table and install a few lit signs advertising the bar’s shows. This pack also includes tons of premade building exteriors so that you can easily add more shops and business fronts to your streets without needing to create each one from scratch. Add a record store next to the pizza shop that acts as your heroes’ base of operations so there’s a good reason for new music to always be playing, and line the more busy streets of the city with towering buildings covered in neon signs advertising anything and everything. Pick up the CyberCity Core Tiles pack and get started on your sci-fi adventure! Add a tech-filled lab for your heroes to call home and deadly factories where AIs slowly take over the internet with the CyberCity R&D Tiles pack! PVGames continues their CyberCity series with another tileset, this time offering more than 2,500 tiles to turn rooms and hallways into a busy research and development laboratory. Build spaces for your heroes to upgrade their weapons and armor at tables filled with tools, medical rooms with healing tanks and high-tech hospital beds for injured party members, shoddily built factories in warehouses that are building killer robots, and more with this pack! Each tile comes in 8 directions to make building your perfect parallax map even easier, so you can put workstations against every wall in a room even if there are diagonal walls and make it so that a room filled with the same type of boxes won’t feel like a box was just copy-pasted over and over. Turn a grimy room into a tactical base of operations with wires criss-crossing the floor and large monitors displaying info next to bulky computers that are lit up with floodlights, or create a villain’s base that’s full of pieces of androids scattered carelessly around and handwritten notes that reveal the canisters on shelves hold a neurotoxin that will enslave every human in the city if your heroes don’t stop it! No proper sci-fi or cyberpunk game would be complete without a laboratory full of sterile test rooms and dangerous technology, so make sure to grab the CyberCity R&D Tiles pack!