New demon & New features etc (Ver 1.1.0)

Old Coin Pusher Friends

This is an online cooperative coin pusher game set in the Old japan that can be enjoyed by one or all. Collect Japanese koban and try to win the jackpot! In addition, by collecting prizes, new content is released and coins are easily increased. Online multiplayer for up to five players possible.

[h2]New features[/h2] [list] [*] New demons have been added. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41195882/f2d388cb6cb6ae4303075970cc09235fb7414ad3.png[/img] [*] Added decorative flags that can be purchased with coins. Up to 10 flags can be attached. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41195882/f8a95be34e939f32ba329e0936c3a73db9571c01.png[/img] [*] Play results are now displayed at the end of normal mode. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41195882/078af8ef45db917116092a5138c7de5d9ceba536.png[/img] [/list] [h2]Improvement[/h2] [list] [*] Jackpot coins now fall in front of the player. [*] Jackpot coin drop interval has been accelerated. [*] Increased the number of initial coins. [*] Added the ability to downgrade upgraded performance. [*] The ability to downgrade has been added. # If you want to upgrade a downgraded ability again, no coins will be consumed. [*] Made it a little harder for prizes to roll down. # This makes it less likely that they will fall directly out of the field when they appear. [*] It is now possible to shot coins by holding down the shot button. [*] The movement speed of the VRoid character is now changed to match the movement speed of the player. [*] Changed so that players will not be forced to leave the game during a jackpot, even if they have not shoted any coins. [*] Slightly lightened the processing load for physics operations. [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed coins would sometimes penetrate walls. [*] Fixed the pottery would sometimes float in the Hit pottery event. [*] Fixed multiple co-op events could occur simultaneously. [/list] # The game will not match players with different versions.