In this game you can't pet the dog... because YOU are the dog! A relaxing and charming puzzle game about Roberto, a dog who really loves loooooooong sticks with a plan in mind.
Hi, puppy lovers! 🐶
We’re excited to announce that next week we’re launching a [b]Stick to the Plan demo[/b], being featured at the upcoming [b]Puzzle Steam Fest,[/b] starting on Monday!!
Get ready to try out a handful of levels and get a [b]sneak peek[/b] of what’s to come in the full game release! 🤩
In this new demo you will find:
🐶 Revamped controls, animations and mechanics. [b]Including undo! :P[/b]
🌳 Explore a few levels of [b]2 different worlds[/b] of the full game.
🎉 Get a preview of the [b]game’s charming story[/b], discovering the beginning of Roberto’s journey.
ALSO! ⚠️ We have created a Dead Pixel Tales [b]Discord Server[/b], where we will share news faster than everywhere else. We want you to join and share your dog pictures [url=]here[/url]! 🔥
Cheers, see you soon! <3