6 different types of towers! 4 planets with different characteristics! 25 different enemies. Drones, Tanks, Biorobotic enemies and many different ground and air vehicles! Snowy and Glacial maps, Desert and Arid lands! Prepare to defend the solar system against invaders!
[b]New Content:[/b]
+ Added new graphic options.
+ Added brand new VFX and SFX pack.
+ Added hotkeys.
+ Fixed a bug that caused the game to crash when clicking the tower base too fast.
+ When the pause, defeat, and victory panel appear, other things can no longer interact.
+ Fixed a bug that appeared when spamming the time speed button.
+ Resolution issues fixed.
+ Some tower and enemy balances.
+ Optimization improved.
+ Level design improved.
+ Game music has changed.
+ When you buy or upgrade a tower, Tower levels are shows as text for a while.
+ You can no longer constantly make profit by buying and selling towers.
+ Also, the first 3 towers are definitely blue and when you get the 4th tower, the wave starts.
+ We use URP renderer and toon shader now. Also color palette changed. Enemies looks more distinguishable now.
+ No more upgrade limits. Blue towers can now be upgraded to gold. This will cost more, but the towers will be stronger.
+ Rarity system balances: Gold towers are now harder to obtain.
Thanks everyone for your continued support, you are amazing!
You've increased the average play time to [b]6 hours[/b]!