New content update!


NF-01, A Nanobyte who refers himself as Nigel, is spawned after a cascade failure within the Skystar System. His duty is to navigate through the system levels to fix the fuses, avoid the damaged shock traps and bring the system back online.

I am happy to say after plenty of tears and stress, I have finally got a new level up and running along with some new sound effects and particle updates. I have also updated the file pickups which help explain more about the world in which you're playing in. New Level: The new level consists of new puzzle elements which have been a nightmare to create, lets just say it was a puzzle to make the puzzles! But I am happy to say they're up and running (i will update the puzzles with the feedback from you guys, so don't forget to use the Steam page to let me know!) The level is longer than previous and the traps a little harder, but again nothing too bad as it's not meant to be crazy hard. This level takes you more out into the open system where you need to unblock the information pathways to allow the system information to flow freely. The level comprises of a good mixture of puzzles and platforming which I hope you will enjoy. I am already underway with the final level. This level will have some small puzzles but will ultimately aim to use more platforming skills, especially the boosts and leaps! more to come later on this. Other updates with this is new sound effects, replacing some old ones with new and also adding some to actors in which had none, for example the green jump now makes a sound each time activated. I also replaced the alarm at the beginning with a new one that's less irritating. I will be adding volume controls soon to the menu options. The Unreal 4 widget tool that creates the HUD has been having some issues with playing video files plus opening the pages for the files you pick up. This has been re-worked so the documents will open and close with no problems, plus an update icon to show what files have been picked up. I am still (really annoyingly) trying to work out the mouse button down to look issue on level 1. This has become something so weird that other devs have looked and they too cannot workout the issue. So for now, pressing pause and resume still works fine to clear it. I hope I can get this solved with the next update. I would really like to thank all of you who have purchased and played my first game. It's been a challenge but a fun one at that. The future projects will evolve around the world of Skystar Systems and the next one will take the franchise even further to an open world game, but I will touch on that later. Please remember to leave a comment on the store page as this would really help me out. With thanks Chris Ironsmith Studios