New character routes?

Sable's Grimoire

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel featuring monster girls in a magic academy setting. Play as Sable, an aspiring magic researcher, as he get sucked into the daily lives and troubles of his demi-human classmates.

[img][/img] This question has been asked a few times already, so let me take this opportunity to address the subject of additional content being added to Sable's Grimoire. Yes, I would like to add new content to Sable's Grimoire. Be it in the form of new routes for characters who don't currently have them, additional endings for characters who already have routes, or something else completely. Even so, whether that actually happens or not will ultimately depend on SG's reception. Feedback has been positive so far, but the number of people actually playing Sable's Grimoire is very small, and it isn't even close to breaking even financially. So as much as I want to add new content, that may prove difficult. For the time being I'll be taking the "wait and see" approach. I'll continue to monitor reviews, forum posts, sales, etc. and regularly re-assess the situation. If more people play SG, and it receives more positive reviews, then obviously that will increase the likelihood of additional content being added in the future. Even if it doesn't stack up, I'll likely release a couple of content updates anyway. Full character routes are a best-case scenario, given the time and cost involved, but additional endings and scenes aren't a big ask. As for what new content is on the table, there are a few things I've been thinking of potentially adding. 1. Character route for Tix. This is something that was planned from the beginning, but I ultimately decided to focus on refining the existing routes rather than adding one more to the mix. Now that SG is out in the wild, Tix's route may yet see the light of day. 2. Additional (happier) ending for Jorou. Personally, I don't believe that every story - or every character - needs a happy ending. That being said, I can see how someone might be disappointed by the lack of one. especially when a tragic story seems to be going that way. Is a happier ending for Jorou something you'd like to see? 3. Additional ending for Rei. If you've already played Eth/Rei's route, you already know why this is a possibility. I'm trying to avoid any spoilers here, so let's just say more branching would be a good thing for their route. Those are the big three, but I'm open to suggestions. Keep in mind that additional endings/scenes are more likely to happen, especially in the short term, than full character routes. At any rate, it'll be at least a couple of months before any new content gets added to Sable's Grimoire. The next time I reassess new content for SG will be at the end of June. At that point I'll make another announcement regarding what's in the works, and what I've decided to do.