New BOBA BAR update!

Boba Simulator : Idle Shop Management

Boba Tea shop simulator. Manage recipe, stock and customer satisfaction.

[h1]Hello Shop Keepers[/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191664/058189208b54b605daa3b4e2267a82fac6a87f0a.gif[/img] Your new branch the "BOBA BAR" is ready for you to run your Boba business. The BOBA BAR is the large shop placed in ocean park area. Because of its size you can hire max staff to help you hear! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191664/c29fe4ab3ada3a3f17774267b037f846848997b7.gif[/img] More importantly, the ocean park area will often spawn famous "Boballoon". Basically, just click on all Boballoons that spawn near your shop and you will get the bonus. Boballoon will spawn randomly in business time. But the good news is you can upgrade it to give more bonus, to chain spawn other Boballoons, or to spawn more frequently. The full upgrade can provide bonus up to $9,000 per day! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43191664/992b77204a9a95704e2bee4d80235ace2e67e16b.png[/img] The new Boba Coin system has been added. You will earn Boba Coin everytime you finish the branch. The Boba Coin may be useful in the future update. Better keep collecting it! -------------------------------------------------------- More details on this patch note in case you want to know. - Add the all new BOBA BAR branch. - Add the new Boballoons system into gameplay. - The goal has been rework and now support multiple goals in single branch. - Change Supermarket price scaling. (Less spam the buy button and more benefit) - Add save game indicator. - Rework on speed settings (now speed up only in business time). - Add new Boba Coin system to reward dedicate player in the future. - Add 2 new Steam Achievements. - Add feature preview in startup popup. - Branch selection menu will remember your last play and will automatically jump to the latest unlocked branch when restart the game. - Improve overall game performance. Bug fix: - Fix Likeness sometime show as an integer. - Fix "Max Upgrade" reward sometime not firing. - Fix audio settings glitch. - Fix Supermarket discount bug. Know issue: - Sometime when massive customers visit your shop the game will lag. This will fix in future patch. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please feel free to feedback on this game or share it to streamer you know to support Boba Simulator :D Thank you so much for all of your support. - Napas -