New Arcade Mode and other changes

The Relentless

WE WANT YOU. Visit your recruitment station for the opportunity to join the elite inter-galactic guards a.k.a. The Relentless. Prove your agility, accuracy and stamina while you decide how hard to push yourself. Climb the leaderboards, unlock all the achievements, be relentless and join the best.

[h1]Arcade Mode[/h1] The version of The Relentless that is soon to be available in arcades can also be played at home. The arcade mode gives you a local leaderboard so that you and your friends can compete against each other. Instructions are displayed while you play so anyone can jump straight in without going through a tutorial. Progress is easier in the arcade mode. After each game you will be told the rank you achieved and be shown your position on the local leaderboard. The new mode should be ideal for VR parties and demos. [h1]Threat Indicator[/h1] The Relentless is a hard game and can soon become overwhelming as dangers approach from multiple directions. The positional audio allows you to detect the direction of threats, but in addition to this, arrows now point in the direction that the threat is coming from. [h1]Other changes[/h1] Other small changes are included such as a fix to stop missiles flickering during their approach and a note so that new users know to hold their hand in icons to activate them. Also, as requested in the community forum, I've filled in the gap above the horizontal bar so it's clear when you have to duck.