Athenian Rhapsody: Thunder Goober's Personality Dungeon

Athenian Rhapsody: Thunder Goober's Personality Dungeon is a FREE dangerously goofy RPG with fast paced, unique combat and zany secrets and adventures. Your goal is to build your own rhapsody, the story of you - the player - an experience which cannot be replicated by others.

Hey there my friends, In this small update, I fixed the Gooberville check not resetting upon starting a new game as well as nerfed the slide puzzle. Often, it would start with impossible combinations, meaning that they are not solvable. Quite frankly I think this is hilarious. But as we all know, they think it's funny 'till it's not, and at some point it did have to be nerfed. While we do a little trolling, yes, we also do a little bit of fixing. I'll be adding controller glyphs in the tutorial for Steam Deck soon as well! Thanks for playing!