Nephise Begins is on the Greenlight!


Nephise is a short and atmospheric puzzle game with narration. It is a relaxing and mysterious experience especially with the help of its music.

Hello everyone! Since Nephise has been released I've been getting many feedbacks which make me very happy. It is a little different than my previous titles. Has more interaction and puzzles and that's probably what made the most of the players enjoy it. While I have been patching the game with small hotfixes such as adding strafe with arrow keys for requests, I'm also working on the next Nephise game "Nephise Begins". The new game tells what happened before Nephise was an orb collector. The gameplay is similar to the original one. Again it will be a relaxing game. At the moment it is on Greenlight, waiting for you to vote, favourite and follow ^^ Here's the link to the page, so check it out; The development is nearly halfway finished and I am giving all my love to the project day and night. And hopefully you will enjoy playing it as much as I do while making it. I wish you all a happy day! :dpeagleia: With love and respect, Tonguç