Neon Abyss l New Bug Fix Patch! 1.5.1

Neon Abyss

Neon Abyss is a frantic, roguelite action-platformer where you run ‘n’ gun your way into the Abyss. Featuring unlimited item synergies and a unique dungeon evolution system, each run diversifies the experience and every choice alters the ruleset.

Abyssonauts! Thank you for your honest and detailed feedback following the launch of the Chrono Trap DLC! Going forwards, we have implemented the following fixes to the game! Patch Notes: [list] [*] Fixed an issue where costumes cannot be unlocked. [*] Fixed an issue where two blank squares appear in the front end menu. [*] Fixed an issue with rebinded movement keys not working correctly at certain times. [*] Fixed an issue where the game freezes when using a skill with Death Ray. [*] Fixed placeholder characters being displayed for 'On/Off' text in rule nodes. [*] [MF] Placeholders are present in the Character menu. [*] Fixed DLC characters being available from the start. [*] [MF] Returning to bar without interacting with the white flame results in a softlock. [*] Fixed an issue where player became stuck/invisible after barrels exploded. [*] Fixed manager/enemies not spawning after defeating Chronos on Endless Mode. [*] Fixed an issue with Argus attack lines not appearing before being used. [*] Fixed an issue with becoming stuck within the dungeon. [*] Fixed an issue where no items spawn in the item room of the dungeon. [*] Fixed Mobs spawning in an inaccessible location. [*] Fixed an issue where players cannot highlight a character in Character Select menu. [*] Fixed an issue where items can drop and fall through the floor/be unattainable. [*] Fixed an issue where the Player cannot leave a room. [*] Fixed Treasure chests spawning another chest at the same time. [*] Fixed white box and blank description showing for an item the player picked up. [*] Fixed key bindings not working across every game scenario. [*] Fixed an issue where characters and descriptions didn't match at times. [*] Fixed an issue where character/game freezes if using a controller when speaking to the Chief Engineer. [/list] Now return to the Abyss, and make your run even longer! We will see you in the next update! [b]Feedback[/b] We appreciate all feedback on this update! Feel free to leave us a comment below! Alternatively, if you experience any issues [url=]please do report them in the 'Report a Problem' section so our Support Team can help out here! [/url] Happy diving Abyssonauts! Keep up to date with the latest Neon Abyss news: [url=]Neon Abyss Twitter[/url] [url=]Neon Abyss Facebook[/url] [url=]Team 17 Twitter[/url] [url=]Team 17 Facebook[/url] [url=]Team 17 Discord[/url]