Hear ye, hear ye! A new update for the Necrofugitive Demo has arrived!
Over the past month the Necrofugitive team stealth dropped a new build of our vertical slice pre-alpha demo. This update features balance adjustments, new abilities, and a handful of fun and unexpected surprises.
We have been paying close attention to your continued feedback across various platforms and through our feedback tool within the demo build itself. Based on this feedback, adjustments have been made to various attributes of the game in relation to resource management such as health and stamina, hit detection on corners and ledges, enemy placement, and overall game balance.
Another note we would like to share with players is that our enemies do not share a single mind. What that means is, being detected by one does not mean others will know you are there. Only when the alarms are raised will enemies across the map react to your presence. Being detected does not mean you are no longer able to hide, especially if you make the enemies who noticed you disappear before they could spread the word. This intelligent AI is one of our most notable features, so we hope you’ll keep it in mind as you play.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about some specific new features now found in the demo!
=New Abilities=
Prisoner Tree - Slide Tackle
Knock your foes to the ground and lower your profile to slide by oncoming obstacles and closing gates.
Prisoner Tree - Rift Tendril
A powerful trap that sprouts tendrils from the underworld to ambush enemies. The tendril assimilates those who perish near it and converts their flesh into consumable health.
Monster Tree - Leviathan Form
An eldritch nightmare given form! Grow tendrils from your back that whip and punish your foes.
=Updated Abilities=
Prisoner Tree - Doppelganger
Spawn a living copy of yourself to fight by your side and distract your enemies. The copy may now be reintegrated into your flesh by approaching and pressing the assigned button.
Prisoner Tree - Tendril Yank
The tendril yank now has grappling hook properties. Sling your way across the map by latching onto environments and ledges to expand your mobility! As always, the ability can also latch onto enemies and give them a yank.
=Saved Progress - Demo Save File=
Players who wish to fight on with their current effort through the three stages of our demo can now select Continue from the main menu when starting their session. This will place you at the start of the stage you last reached and retains the skills you purchased after clearing previous levels.
=General Tips=
For those struggling to overcome your playthrough of the demo, we have some additional tips to help you along.
Remember the Goal - ESCAPE!
Your main objective will always be displayed at the top of the screen. Unless otherwise indicated, that objective is always one thing: ESCAPE. Standing and fighting is not always the solution. Sometimes, it is best to simply keep moving and flee before you are slain.
Try a New Build
As detailed above, there are many combinations of builds you can make with your skill points. If your current build is not cutting it, return to the main menu and restart the demo.
Patience is a Virtue
Guards move in various patterns and formations. Wait for the right moment to strike- or not strike- before making your move.
Keep An Eye On Your Meters
Disguises break when you’re out of Stamina. Don’t let that happen in front of guards. Armor is the only thing keeping your health from dropping on hit, so keep it active! Remember that your abilities are tied to your Energy and Stamina, don’t be stuck without any when you need it. Keep an eye on your meters!
=Player Expression - Discover Your Build!=
Necrofugitive is all about forging your own path and overcoming the challenges in your own way. There is no single definitive way to clear these challenges, leaving room for player expression and freedom at the forefront of the gameplay experience. If you find that your current build is not up to the task, we suggest a fresh restart of the demo so you can re-assign your skill points into new combinations.
Some powerful examples of some existing builds include:
Focus all of your skill points on the prisoner’s stealth and agility trees to create a fast moving, highly lethal, and most of all, highly evasive prisoner that can weave through enemy formations and take out chosen targets.
Monster Madness
Focus your skill points on abilities pertaining to summoning ravagers on the monster form skill tree. As your own army grows, face down your foes man to man and overwhelm them.
The Juggernaut
High AP and armor regeneration skill nodes are the key to this build. With constant resource generation on hit along with the Mass Assimilation ability, turn your monster form into an unkillable tyrant.
Tendril Base Builder
Lure unsuspecting foes into a fortified nightmare as you lay down several Tendril Rifts and guide them to their doom. The tendrils serve as both ramparts and murder mills as they passively provide health pickups. Compound this with abilities such as Tendril Lash and Tendril Yank to whip and pull your foes to their end.
Me, Myself and I
Rely on your Doppelganger as an extension of your main assault arsenal and always keep a friend nearby. Deadly positioning will leave your enemies at your mercy, while shapeshifting allows you to escape as your copy takes their focus.
= A Dog Eat Dog World =
Thank you to everyone for your continued support of Necrofugitive. Our team remains hard at work every week to bring the game closer to our shared vision, and
As a final treat for the season, we’re excited to share one final update. We are pleased to announce that we are finally letting the dogs out— the Hound enemy type is almost ready to bare its fangs! Keep an eye out for it in the next few days; it will certainly be keeping its eyes out for you.
That’s all for now! Stay tuned for further updates in the coming months, and as always, keep on running!
—Team Necro