[b]Graphics & Performance Updates[/b]
[*]Framerate stability improved on all platforms
[*]Major reductions to "hitching" during gameplay
[*]Improved lighting in all Indoor environments
[*]Improved terrain textures in outdoor environments
[*]Improved terrain deformation game-wide
[b]Feature Updates[/b]
[*]Updated Flying Moto Ranch environment
[*] - [b]*NEW TRACK*[/b] - Added Golden Eagle SX
[*] - [b]*NEW TRACK*[/b] - Added Rolling Hills National
[*] - New Time of Day variations
[b]Gameplay Updates[/b]
[*]Re-tuned physics on all tuneable parts
[*] - Tuneable parts have a greater impact on physics
[*] - Added Chassis tunable part (affects handling/sensitivity)
[*] - Removed Clutch as an explicitly tuneable part
[*]Re-tuned lower gear ratios for smoother, more reliable shifting when accelerating
[*]Decreased tire traction when tuned to the maximum amount
[*]Decreased turning friction when leaning forward
[*]Various improvements to AI game-wide
[b]General Updates & Misc. Improvements[/b]
[*]Updated all outdoor environments
[*] - New Time of Day variations
[*] - Various updates and improvements to all outdoor tracks
[*]Online Match settings saved for duration of the session
[*]Updated Engine sounds on 250 2-stroke
[*]Additional engine sound and volume improvements
[*]Added option to toggle Controller Vibration On/Off in Gameplay Settings
[*]Additional controller presets with button shifting
[*]Increased Jersey name character limit from 9 to 11
[*]Increase chance for BRAAP riders to appear in events
[*]Added "Close” camera
[*]Added "Drone” camera
[*]Added AI Rider Blake Wharton
[*]Added AI Rider Dylan Stark
[*]Added AI Rider Jayden Vecchio
[b]Bug Fixes[/b]
[*]Fixed rider falling through the vehicle after a reset
[*]Fixed bug causing online client's split time HUD to disappear after lap 3.
[*]Fixed issue in which incorrect times were being posted to leaderboards during online multiplayer
[*]Various other bug fixes for online multiplayer
[*]Other misc. bug fixes not listed here