Build the most successful cinema business in the world!
- 2 new Side Quests! Complete one of them to unlock Chef!
- New 1-Starred Movies in the Movie Store!
- New destroyables building!
- The Maximum Level is now 35!
- The Maximum Rating is now 8 Stars!
- New Special Movie: A 6-Starred movie called N.T! You can get this movie from the Exclusive Store
- Exp and Profit Balancing
- Bug fixes
- 2 Side Quest baru! Selesaikan salah satunya untuk mendapatkan Chef!
- Film Bintang 1 baru di Toko Film!
- Gedung baru yang bisa dihancurkan!
- Level maksimum menjadi 35!
- Rating maksimum menjadi 8 Bintang!
- Movie Spesial baru: Dapatkan film Bintang 6 berjudul N.T di Toko Eksklusif!
- Balancing Exp dan Pendapatan
- Fix bug