Motördoom Patch 8/23/2024


Motördoom is a freestyle-sports roguelite horde shooter that combines high octane, visceral combat with fluid movement and trick mechanics. Perform gnarly tricks while defeating grotesque monsters and upgrade your character with demonic offerings to become ever more powerful.

[b]Fixes:[/b] [list] [*]Playing the tutorial when playing for the first time wont trigger tutorial again when pressing start [*]SceneLoad can not be triggered multiple times anymore [*]Unlock level prompt only shows in career mode [/list] [b]Changes:[/b] [list] [*]Career mode now has difficulty choices that change how much score you need to receive a level up [*]All diffiulties in other modes are unlocked from the start [*]Wallride angle changed from >100° to >=90° so doing a wallride is easier. [*]Grind Corpses in Castle Crow stage now trigger death on gap [*]Debug manager now has a option to load mods [/list]