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Dark Sheep

Dark Sheep is a block-pushing puzzle game with horror elements, and a love letter to the Commodore 64. Classic Sokoban, new twists. Throughout the game, you'll be accompanied by a soundtrack created with genuine 1989 technology.

Updated to v1.1.2 [h2]New Input Option[/h2] In Settings - Controls, you can now choose if you want the game to register holding down a key or only pressing a key to move/undo. [h2]Input Delay Option[/h2] If you are using the Hold & Press option, you can select how fast the game detects if you are holding the key down. The available range is from 0.1 - 1 second. This can be adjusted in Settings - Controls [h2]Changed Default Settings[/h2] Based on player feedback, by default the game detects Press only and the Input Delay is set to 0.2. This can be changed in Settings - Controls as mentioned above. [h2]Rebinding in-game issue[/h2] When rebinding the reset key while in-game, it would rebind the key and restart the entire level. [h3]Enjoy the game and leave a review to let me know what you think about it![/h3]