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A Building Full of Cats

A Building Full of Cats is a hidden object game where you need to pet all the cats in the building. Don't leave any cats behind!

Hello, humans! As promised, here is the update with the new languages. [h3][b]Languages Update[/b][/h3] [list] [*] Turkish [*] Polish [*] Hungarian [/list] Special thanks to [b]Seweryn Karapuda[/b] who did the Hungarian translation for the game! We wish we could translate the game to every language available, but unfortunately this is not cheap and the game is selling poorly in some countries. ːfrog_worryː [h3][b]Coming Next[/b][/h3] The hint system is not finished. We hope to bring you this update next week. Right now we are focusing on the [url=]Zodiacats[/url] update that is coming REALLY soon! [h3][b]Portable Cats[/b][/h3] We can confirm that [b]A Building Full of Cats[/b] is coming to Nintendo Switch later this year! [img][/img] Thanks again for all the lovely e-mails and messages you are sending us! It means a lot! ♥ Love & purrs, Devcats ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ