Play cards with a group of adorable animal friends who robbed the largest bank on the Eastern Seaboard 12 years ago, and are willing to let you decorate their boat in return for not being executed by the mafia.
Changelist for v1.0.1:
~New Features~
-Implemented Moods category in Seymour's shop
-Added toggle option for spatialized audio
~Gameplay Changes~
-Adjusted NPC thinking time
-Reduced NPC's bark frequency
-Tweaked Seymour's voice effects
-Returning after the credits now starts a fresh tournament
~Bug fixes~
-Fixed dialogue issues with repeating text and looping SFX
-Fixed penultimate conversation sometimes locking up the game
-Fixed repeating tournaments and credits
-Fixed cards hovering above the table
-Fixed negative bet and pot amounts
-Fixed broken buttons in Store
-Fixed Stats panel not always updating