In a world filled with yōkai, a surging dark power has overshadowed a Japanese town. A group of 2 developers have produced a Japanese pixel adventure game to tell a tale that dates back to the Heisei era...In the name of dreams and passion.
A huge crisis broke out in the Mirror-verse. In the name of justice (or probably mischief), the bishojos went to war! Select your heroine and fight! The mini-game collection of Mirror-verse: Mirror Party.
This is the first time we try to develop a game that combined minigames and collectibles. Play the minigames with your friends and families to get the Gacha Tokens, throw them in the Gacha Machine, and get OVER 300 pieces of collectibles: CGs/Cosplay Album/Video/OST, and more!
[i]※The game is in Early Access. We plan to eventually increase minigames to 12 ones and collectibles 1000+. [/i]
[h3]Recent Update of the Development of Mirror 2: [/h3]
We know that many of you are concerned with the recent development of Mirror 2.
We'd like to thank you for your support! We've been reading every review that you posted since day 1 Mirror was released. We value your input and feedback on this game very seriously.
Early-stage into the development of Mirror 2, we immediately felt how challenging it is to switch from 2D to 3D technical-wise. It's so much more than we initially expected. We're kinda like toddlers trying to learn how to run like Usain Bolt.
But we carried on, we've found the power to push us through the difficulties a long time ago - We just want to make a fun game, it's simple as that. All the pain, sweat, and hardship are just a part of the journey. We're still in the process of leveling up, we're still trying to clear the obstacles, we're learning new stuff every day. So we have to apologize, that Mirror 2 needs more time to polish before we can show it to you all.
But the good news is, although having many obstacles, we've done something right and some part of the game already looks pretty good. It's not as pretty as we'd like it to be, but still, we managed to make a formal trailer, so you can have a basic understanding of how the game is going to be like. We hope you can see our passion and love for the game. And we'd like to hear what you would like to say about our progress so far.
Thank you again for your love and support over the years. And still, we're going to the best we can!