Minor Update (1.1.0)

This is just the beginning... there are a lot more helpful features on the way! For those of you who have posted in the discussions with feature suggestions or bug fixes, those are also being dealt with accordingly and will be introduced soon. [h1][b]Language Support[/b][/h1] [list] [*] English - en-GB [*] English - en-US [*] Simplified Chinese - zh-CN [*] Brazilian Portuguese - pt-BR [*] Swedish - sv-SE [/list] [h1][b]Duplicate Functionality[/b][/h1] The select tool now has the ability to duplicate selected pixels via hotkey or by clicking 'Edit -> Duplicate' when a selection is active. [h1][b]Checkerboard Pattern[/b][/h1] The viewport has a checkerboard pattern to help determine which pixels are transparent easier, along with giving a better insight as to how the crosshair will look against lighter surfaces in-game. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44081657/da2199662a954bd9f11544d3dda3df0118a576fc.gif[/img] [h1][b]Fixes / Optimization[/b][/h1] Miscellaneous [list] [*] Improved maximizing window behaviour [*] Reworked core underlying systems [*] Fixed crash when dragging current color to previous color within ImGui color picker popup [*] Fixed crash when a message box is open and a modal popup is active (e.g. resize canvas popup) and then utilising keyboard shortcuts to move the designer window [*] Draw Guide, Grid Lines and Crosshair Lines (center lines) now store their state within the settings file correctly [*] Added version number to about popup [*] Settings window would spike in CPU usage when a large value was entered within respective textboxes [*] Fixed RGBA color issue where the colors would be off by 1 in some scenarios [/list] Tools [list] [*] Eraser tool no longer adds new colors to the color list [*] When selecting an area with the select tool and deselecting, it would result in being able to undo seemingly nothing, this is now handled correctly [*] Heavily reworked select tool to allow for undo and redo whilst a selection is active, drag and drop, no snapping to edges and more [/list] Menus [list] [*] Odd pixel crosshairs now show correctly within preset popup [*] Preview window can now be resized and has the ability to zoom and pan [*] Some windows would save persistent settings, this should no longer occur (imgui.ini) [*] Pressing ESC and Enter on popups will now perform various actions: (ESC results in closing the currently active popup, Enter simulates the OK button for the popup) [*] Added a language popup for first time launches [*] Slightly adjusted general tab settings layout [*] Implemented the ability to change grid line and crosshair line colors within the viewport [*] Fixed preset popup crash when selecting a larger index than what's supported [/list] View [list] [*] Improved reset view centering logic (should now correctly scale and center the crosshair regardless of the size chosen) [*] When zooming in via hotkey or menu option, it now resets the scene to prevent losing the scene view and requiring the view to be reset [/list] [h1]Known Issues[/h1] [list] [*] Crosshair Genie showing as playing on Steam which prevents others from seeing what game you are actually playing. This took a while but a solution has been put together and will be released shortly after this update as we know how frustrating this can be. [*] Scaling abnormalities when using hotkeys or changing options within settings. [*] When using single click to show/hide option for the crosshair and reloading in-game, the crosshair can still be visible when it's not expected to be, multi keybinds would address this issue and will be integrated next update. [*] The crosshair can appear on a different display after the computer has been to sleep [*] Black screen issue (please use the experimental branch if this occurs for you) [/list]