Minor Patch Changelog

Bubblegum Galaxy

Bubblegum Galaxy is a cozy narrative building game about rebuilding the galaxy tile by tile. Discover and design new planets, complete missions, explore your office and befriend your co-workers... all while trying to find out who deleted the galaxy!

Hello everyone! Hope you all have been well. We were super happy with the reception to demo and are so glad that people are enjoying the game. Your feedback and comments keeps up motivated! While we've spent the last month focusing the business side of making games, we've also been reading your feedback and slowly implementing it into the game, and we just released a small patch! We've been focusing on bug fixes and quality-of-life changes so there is no new gameplay content in this update, as we're currently aiming to improve the experience for new people who find the demo (or for those of you want to replay the demo as it is!). We hope to share an update with new levels and story events in the near future. Here's a changelog for the patch, and a preview of some features we're working on for the next demo update. As usual, we'd love to hear any comments you have on the game! You can reach us on [url=discord.smarto.club/]Discord [/url]or on the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/1989120/discussions/0/]Steam Forums.[/url] [h1]CHANGELOG[/h1] [list] [*] Tweaked default volume for main menu music. [*] Increased default speed for dialogue. [*] Text animation now instantly finishes if advance button is pressed while text is being shown. Rejoice speed readers! [*] Changed default rotation direction for planet building camera. There will be an option to invert it once we add the options menu! [*] Increased maximum zoom out level for planet building. [*] Camera can also now be rotated in the office using the mouse. [*] Tiles can now be unselected with Z or the middle mouse button. (They originally could only be unselected with the right mouse button, but that interfered with mouse camera rotation). [*] Default camera speed for planet construction is a bit faster. You can also hold shift to move the camera faster while move the camera with keyboard controls. [*] Character dialogue during planet building NO longer defaults to auto-advance. Dialogue must be manually advanced by pressing the space bar or by clicking on the text bubble (except when it's a tutorial dialogue). [*] Implemented partial fix for when a level started with no stars in the background. [*] Rewrote object highlight code which improves performance and possibly fixes the issue where some objects would disappear/become transparent, but not 100% sure it does. Please let us know if you see any disappearing mountains or trees! [*] Made tile rotation code more robust, so hopefully no more funny business in tile rotation (but who knows, these tiles like being funny). [*] Added a "skip tutorial" button to skip the dialogue at the start of many planet building levels. [/list] [h1]PRIORITIES ON OUR ROADMAP[/h1] While this isn't an extensive list, here's some of the features we're working on for next updates: [list] [*] Options menu: This will include options such as controller remapping and volume controls. [*] Game Saving: No need to finish all the levels in one sitting anymore! [*] Planet saving: For when you need a break from placing tiles, you will be able to pause planet construction, take a stroll to the office, and then get back into construction as if nothing happened! [/list]