Microchipping the population

Despotism 3k

Humanity is enslaved by an AI… which is awesome, because we’re on the right side of the conflict. Exploit puny humans to extract power and build your own empire!

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31013158/3bc9a881ec8e3d8163c9de33ef3475e2d91d0bbe.png[/img] [i]"Prepare to receive your chip implants, puny humans!"[/i] Hello everyone! We are still working on the second campaign, but in the meantime we launched an update with a new "chip" mechanic and several other improvements. Chips are various combinations of starting game conditions, which change campaign or endless mode gameplay in some way. Some chips add modifiers and change balance at the start, some just affect difficulty - choose one for yourself! One chip even modifies manipulation so that the most exhausted humans are sent to the bioreactor - many of you asked for this. Other changes: [list] [*] Several new dialogs and modifiers added [*] Any choices in dialogs that you previously tried are marked with an orange dot [*] A resource counter blinks more noticeably when you try to produce that resource over the limit [*] You may speed up the game at any time [*] Endless mode is harder (we underestimated you!) [*] 4 digit food limit on high food generator levels [*] Ability to start again from the loss screen [*] A new achievement for finishing the campaign with "Hardcore" chip [*] Special humans' healthbars are marked [*] Holding a human manipulation button allows to send several humans at once [*] It is possible to play with a keyboard: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1595842627 [/list]