Meet your customers! 🤝

Chocolate Factory Simulator

Enter the world of steam and sugar and become a master chocolatier in Chocolate Factory Simulator. Craft gourmet chocolate for your customers in your steampunk workshop with the help of your automaton assistant Nougat.

[h1][b]Hello Chocolate Producers! 👋[/b][/h1] Up to this point you’ve been focusing only on creating a perfect bar of chocolate but today and in the following devlog we’d like you to meet some very special people. The fans of your factory who’re your regular customers! 🤩 We do think that it is important to know the people who enjoy your products a lot so you can feel your work is appreciated. ❤️‍ The city is a place where many unique individuals live so it’s only natural that some of your regulars are a bit eccentric. Let’s go and meet some of them, shall we? [h3][b]Mr. Hawk 🥾[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/04bcae4f9e3f468834b868780e01744779c96b97.png[/img] A young man who always seems to be returning from some long trip. Always with a new story to tell. Nobody really knows where he travels to, though. One thing is for certain- he loves to explore new tastes as well, changing things up and ordering various chocolates all the time. [h3][b]Arthur E. Sawyer 🖋️[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/f97ee433f854b4a4c85082fdf3e4189513e531aa.png[/img] An up-and-coming author who relies on caffeine and chocolate to stay up all night writing. Is that a sustainable source of energy? No, probably not. But it’s working for now. 🥱 He doesn’t pay much attention to the extravagant taste of your chocolate. His biggest concern is how much energy it can give him to pull through another all-nighter. (that’s why we sometimes put some additional sugar in his chocolate when we felt like he’s extra tired) [h3][b]Squeaker 🐹[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/7b0cd2ac6a59676b99d8b460a9702df2af4361d5.png[/img] What’s there to tell? Squeaker is a fluffy, cute hamster that likes chocolate. You better not disappoint him and do your best to provide him with the tastiest recipes every time! [h3][b]Lady Steela and Mr. Nibbles ⚙️[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/de659b58058340e48777f97e217aa387eaff8cb2.png[/img] Manufactured in a secret worksop, Lady Steela is now on a quest to discover the true meaning behind humanity. She’s convinced the chocolate is the key. 🔑 Her loyal friend and companion, Mr. Nibbles encourages her endeavor- likely so he can nibble on the occasional leftover nuts from all the various chocolates she orders. [h3][b]Lady Cecilia 👜[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/9e533e1ae050023fec816f87778d402f283536aa.png[/img] Some might say she’s spoiled, others call her the perfect young lady. Cecilia is used to getting what she wants and is perfectly polite until something doesn’t go her way. Be it through connections, her cunning personality or intellect, she always makes sure to emerge on top from any situation. That changes as soon as she hides in her bedroom with a bar of your mouth watering chocolate where she fully indulges in the sensation of sweet milky delicacy dissolving in her mouth. 🤤 [h3][b]Cpt. Lydia Glass 🌍[/b][/h3] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/3f088c9a00750cd5eb1e17cacac4cd20f0b79a0f.png[/img] There’s not an inch of the world Captain Lydia Glass hasn’t seen. Her vast experience may make her appear cocky, but it is for a good reason. We all wish we were as cool as her. 😎 It doesn’t mean she can stay indifferent to your sweets. She enjoys your creations in the privacy of her home- away from prying eyes where she can rest and let go of her demeanor. We’ll come back next month with even more amazing customers. Who’s your favorite one thus far? Let us know in the comments! If you enjoyed today’s devlog please consider adding the game to your wishlist on Steam to get notified about every upcoming devlog! You can also join our discord community to share your tasty creations with our community. 👍 [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44910419/30d791b164dab14745aeb6238a5df11628702287.png[/img][/url] See you soon, Chocolate Factory Simulator Team