Meet the NPC named Moss

Winter Burrow

Winter Burrow is a cozy woodland survival game about a mouse returning home to restore their childhood burrow. Explore, gather resources, craft, knit warm sweaters, bake pies and meet the locals.

[h2]Presenting Moss[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45053476/03ef0bc7493809adc34b257ef3475a5b24a0bb64.png[/img] Say hi to [b]Moss[/b], the new NPC in Winter Burrow. They are a part of a hedgehog couple who live a nomadic life collecting different types of animal fur tufts to use for exquisite woolen yarn for their beautiful knitwork full of patterns and colors. ๐Ÿงถ๐Ÿฆ” They have come to your area to find the highly insulating white fur of the snow hare. ๐Ÿ‡ Their partner, Pinesap, is the one who does the exploring and searching for fur tufts left behind on branches and bramble by a passing animal. When we meet Moss they are awaiting their partners return. When we did some research on animal sizes, it surprised us that the hedgehog was so big compared to the birch mouse. At first we though it could pose a problem having an NPC that much bigger than the main character, but we realized it could be an advantage. ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฆ” [b]Our Lead Artist Lucy puts it this way:[/b] [i]"We really wanted to show some different animals in the game and Moss is the first one you come across. With our birch mouse hero being so small, we wanted to give context by showing you how you compare to other creatures you will be encountering in your adventure. What we also wanted to show in the character design was Moss' personality, being dependant on their partner and a little bit unsure how to spend their time alone, keeping to their tea and knitting."[/i] A tiny bit of story spoiler below: [spoiler]We won't spoil the whole story about Moss and Pinesap here, but as Lucy brushes upon, there is an unbalance in their relationship that has made Moss very dependant on their partner and where Pinesap might have exploited that to some degree.[/spoiler] All NPCs in the game has something they can help you learn to better survive the wilderness. Moss will love to pass on their knowledge of knitting, yarn and all the stuff you can make with that. Moss and Pinesap have made knitting into an artform. [b]As Lucy writes:[/b] [i]"The clothing is inspired by the Sami people, showing off the intricate patterns and beautiful designs Moss and their partner dedicated their lives to."[/i] We look forward to show you Moss in the game and to tell you the story about Moss and Pinesap and to show you how it all ends. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45053476/e5c2a67764783388fa29043bad822dce45f14268.png[/img]