May updates

Stupid Cupid

Help Cupid get back in Venus’ good graces in this VR game! Use his bow and arrow to balance the natural order by helping animals mate, or in some cases, culling the overpopulation. Challenge your skills and accuracy in different locations and seasons.

We’ve just finished our first round of game updates, thanks to your feedback. Make sure to keep it coming so we can make Stupid Cupid the best game it can be! [u][b]New: [/b][/u] - Voicemails can be replayed on Cupid’s computer - New mini-game: Flying Pigles, available in the mini-games menu after hazards tutorial is completed - Added game intro for first-time players - Added game over message after the last voicemail - Added weather vane to snow levels [u][b]Changes: [/b][/u] - Cupid’s office reorganized - World map now interactive and readability improved - Bow pivots according to arrow - Game audio re-balanced - Bears move around instead of staying still [u][b]Fixes: [/b][/u] - Volume options correctly affect volume - Player can no longer match fox with squirrel in the basics tutorial before squirrels are matched at least once - Attractive hazards like apples, beehives, etc. will release the animal as soon as the animal reaches the hazard - Animals no longer wander outside of the game area