Matchpoint – Tennis Championships: Demo Update

Matchpoint - Tennis Championships

The season starts now – grab your racket and become the world’s next tennis champion! Your opponent is on the court and the crowd waits for a promising challenger for the grand finale… Are you ready for Matchpoint?

[h1]Matchpoint – Tennis Championships: Demo Update [/h1] As Matchpoint – Tennis Championships is gearing up for its launch on [b]July 7th[/b], we’ve just [b]updated the demo available on Steam[/b]. Along with this update, we also made the [b]demo available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S version following shortly. [/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41808049/cb05e6f014744ce0f850c8425d5a4128b36a9422.gif[/img] The Steam demo update includes the following [b]changes[/b]: [list][*] Added ball trail toggle to the settings menu [*] A.I. error chance has been significantly reduced [*] Updates to the animation system to better handle volleys (they no longer play out of time) and running back shots [*] Racket roll improved, so we don't see the racket spinning when it shouldn't be [*] Fixed some input issues on PC when disconnecting a controller [*] Fixed bug where opponents would vanish during transitions [*] Fixed bug where replay couldn't be played on second point of each game in quick match [*] Fixed bug where sometimes the ball wouldn't line up with the racket [*] Updates for clothing, licensors and brands [*] Fix to an issue where the player's position/speed could abruptly change coming out of a shot animation [*] Fixed an issue where the ball would appear late out of the hand while serving [*] Fixed bug where the commentator VO would fade out when pausing/unpausing [*] Fixed female legs clipping through shorts with low graphics settings [/list]