Massive Update Coming Soon!


Casual Single Player Space Fishing Game

[b]Massive content update coming soon![/b] Thank you to everyone who has supported and played Adrift! I am currently working on a massive content update that I plan to release in the next few months. Adrift will be put on sale when this update is released. [b]Update Plans[/b] 1. Infinite progression (Allows players to prestige for rewards and ability to earn more money) 2. Cabin expansion (Allows players to expand cabin with new areas and items) 3. New universes (more universes to discover based on the player's prestige level 4. New boats (Allows players to unlock new boats) 5. Depths exploration (Upon a specified prestige level the player will be able to explore the depths in a submarine and harvest universes for stardust. There may also be some creatures to catch...) There are plenty of other quality of life changes and secrets I will be adding. I look forward to releasing this content update and thank you all again for your support.