Mari and Bayu's gameplay

Mari and Bayu - The Road Home

Go on a grand voyage in this co-op platform-adventure game. Play as Mari the ant and Bayu the firefly to solve puzzles, surf the wind on a feather or even ride a friendly grasshopper!

In Mari and Bayu you'll be able to play Mari, the ant princess, and Bayu, the firefly! If you're playing solo you will be playing both of them and if you're playing in cooperation each one will handle Mari or Bayu. Jump from rope! [img][/img] Interact with your environment! [img][/img] Surf on feathers! [img][/img] Make your way through your environment! [img][/img] Push rocks! [img][/img] If you don't want to miss any future news about the game follow and wishlist our game. We'll get back to you with more news here and on our social media !