Become a King (or Queen) at making levels! Join a community designed around level creation and online play. The level editor is simple to use and lets you create anything, even living creatures!
[h1]Version 0.13.8[/h1]
[h2]Improvements :[/h2]
[*]Arms of players are now lower in mounting animation
[*]Added animations in editor when going in and out of play test screen
[*]Large levels are now faster to save and play test in the editor
[*]Slight optimization in the rendering of particles
[*]Online menus are now available from play test screen
[*]Added option to display RAM usage to help investigate memory problems
[h2]Bug fixes :[/h2]
[*]Fixed fish mobs from before MakerKing 0.13.7 having their fins displayed wrong
[*]Potentially fixed crash with Global Leaderboard Menu and made the combobox selectable with mouse free navigation
[*]Fixed player heads appearing on top of level names in Level Browser
[*]Fixed possibility to capture checkpoint while restarting and time continuing to run as well while restarting
[*]Fixed pause menu sometimes making the player jump when selecting option with space
[*]Fixed wires that could be placed outside the border, making the level corrupted