Major Update Version 1.2 Released Today

Evidence of Life

You are a Space Traveler searching out alien DNA on distant planets. Harvest the minerals and flora of endlessly generated worlds. Destroy inhabitants you encounter. This game is a retro 2d side scrolling action game with an addictive mix of alien fighting and planet mining.

It is with great Pride that I announce the update to Evidence of Life. Below are all the Great Features and Bugs Fixes we released in Version 1.2. [b]Enhancements:[/b] [list] [*] Added Parallax Backgrounds [*] Added Cave Foliage (Gives Player Health if Destroyed) [*] Minor Sound Effects Optimization [*] Increased Difficulty each planet [*] Mite and Bird Sound Effect Adjustments (Attempting Less Annoyance) [*] Updated Caves (Easier to Find - Harder to win) [*] Giant Aliens Now Randomly Spawn Face Eaters [*] Added Additional Gun Types (Switch with 1,2,3 Keys or Mouse Wheel) -- Single (Normal Gun - Normal Speed) -- Double (Shoots 2 Bullets - Uses slightly more Energy - Medium Speed) -- Triple (Shoots 3 Bullets - Uses more Energy - Slow Speed) [*] Updated the Main Menu [*] Updated the Start/New Planet Menus [*] Added 12 Additional Ground Mite Sprites [*] Added Random Cyber Dog Fly-by Assistance (Shoots Sonic Booms - Drops Green Dust, a Single Bomb and a Single Battery) [*] Added Dangerous Mushrooms (3 Types) -- Depletes Energy -- Depletes Health -- Slows Player Down for a Period of Time [*] Updated Random Generated Planet Colors (No more super dark green) [*] Updated the Player Menu (Menu with Gem Levels) [*] Added 3 Missions per Planet [*] Missions Now Appear on the Player Menu and once completed they receive a shiny ICON! Complete them all For a Superb Prize [*] Added 4 Mega Giant Aliens (MGAs) to the game. -- You get one chance per planet to beat the Boss. -- Each Level of Boss get Harder. 4 Bosses in Total. -- Bosses Now Appear on the Player Menu and once completed they receive a shiny ICON! Complete them all For a Superb Prize [*] Added 5 Hidden Items to Find for your Cyberpup. If you find all 5 you get a reward at your ship. Resets per planet. [*] Updated the Player Color Selection Options. Now you can choose from 9 colors. Changing your player's color now also changes the Cyberpup color too. [*] Added Darkness when the player goes lower underground [*] Added 8 Additional Egg Sprites (Random Gen Per Planet Type) [*] Added minimal magnet effect to Gems for easier collection [*] Added Sound when Traveling to a New Planet [*] Added Art when Traveling to a New Planet [*] Added "Fail" text if you fail to beat the Planet MGA [*] Added a New Loading Screen Image [*] Added a Sound when Energy Regeneration Happens [/list] [b]Bugs:[/b] [list] [*] Resolved an Exploit with the JetPack where you could fly without using Energy [*] Added Collision to the Mining Tool on the Hive Cores [*] Resolved an Issue where the Player Walk Animation would not play if Energy was depleted [*] Resolved an Issue where Notification sound would not play when player attempted to travel back to the ship when too close to a hive. [*] Resolved an Issue where Medium Sized Eggs were falling too far if the block below them was broken. [*] Resolved a Bug where 2 players were spawning at once. This isn't the movie Twins! [*] Adjusted Screen Resolution to Resolve Stretching (Thanks Alan) [*] Energy starts to regenerate sooner now [*] Resolved a Bug where the MGA was not spawning if the player died on the planet [/list] Thank you to all who have followed this game on it's journey so far. Life is Short = Be Creative Mark & Alan