Major Update Is Here!

This is the Zodiac Speaking

Story-driven FPP mystery thriller-horror with stealth and detective modes based on facts from the world-famous story of Zodiac, a never-captured American serial killer.

What better date to patch [i]This is the Zodiac Speaking[/i] than Friday 13th? We are happy to announce a significant patch solving many of the issues reported by players until now! Please find detailed patch notes below: - correct display of symbols during mini-games; - the button to close the journal no longer covers the text; - default cursor sensitivity fixed; - correct localization of graphic settings; - items crucial for the story appear in the inventory; - Zodiac has a better chance to spot you from a very close range; - improved level design of key puzzles makes the Zodiac not so frustrating in many places; - louder foot sounds; - Zodiac sees worse in the dark and hears in a shorter distance; - the stamina bar is animated during the cooldown; - after depletion of stamina, running is possible after regaining half of the value; - the display of lights in many places has been improved; - gas station light colliders do not cause collisions in the crouch; - after collecting the cherry blanket, it doesn't disappear from the locker; - post-processing effects fixed on several maps; - added a note with a phone number on Berryessa Gas Station map; - the fence on the Berryessa Gas Station map does not disappear when leaving the map; - increasing the distance of displaying POI icons for important objects; - limiting the presence and activity of the Zodiac in several places; - achievements system fixed; - Polish localization fixes; - fixes for collisions with objects; - fixed animation of mannequins in attics; - the speaker icon in the Journal Diary returns to its original state after the end of the audio playback; Hope you will enjoy it! And in the meantime... Don't walk under any ladders, Don't break any mirrors, Don't spill any salt, And don't walk by any black cats. Happy Friday the 13th! Punkch Punk and Klabater team