Major Update & Free Trial To ALL!

Bang! Howdy

Bang! Howdy is an online strategy game. The setting mixes elements from a variety of related genres, such as steampunk or Native American myth. Several of the players' available units are entirely mechanical, including artillery and a "steam gunman", a robot boasting large wagon wheels for movement while wearing a cowboy hat.

The time has come.. The major update is being rolled out to live/production. Fixed login for passwords WITH characters Fixed Pardner Adding Bug Fixed Errors in Demented Bob bounty for some folks (It was broken for some but not all due to an error) Added Fork Lift Unit (ITP): - Fling your enemies across the map by attacking them with this unit Added Blown Gasket Card (ITP) - Affected Steam unit can move 6 tiles; then cannot move Added Buggy Logic Card (ITP) - Opponent's steam unit is controlled for one turn Added Dust Devil Card (ITP) - Resurrects dead steam unit Added Monkey Wrench Card (ITP) - Damages steam unit for every tile they move Added Atomic Card (ITP) - Wipe the floor with your enemies and maybe yerself too if you're not careful Lots of new maps added to ITP map rotations (Currently about 20 new maps) Holding Backspace now works! You can now paste (ctrl + v) in any input for example for passwords. All players will be given a one time 7 day trial, so everyone can freely test out the new content. We also will be posting more information thru Steam instead of just Discord from this point forward. We apologize for the lack of updates thru Steam, we have heard your complaints and are listening. You can also join our Discord thru and click the Help button to be directed to our Discord.