【Lovely Games】Test recruitment for "A fascinating story" is open!

A fascinating story

A fascinating story is a strategy development game. You will play the protagonist to improve your abilities, earn money, work and become rich! Buy gifts at the same time to guide five female characters with different styles and characteristics. As the game time progresses

Hello everyone, the game [u][b]"A fascinating story"[/b][/u] published by us [Lovely Games] will be released on [b][u]June 14th[/u][/b] is online, come and experience the wonderful story in the new mode! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2756390/A_fascinating_story/ "A fascinating story" is a strategy development game. You will play [b][u]the protagonist[/u][/b] to earn money, work and become rich! Buy gifts at the same time [b][u]Strategy [/u][/b]Five female characters with different styles and characteristics. As the game time progresses, the difficulty of the mission will gradually increase~~~ You need to [b][u]reasonably plan[/u][/b] steps Only by [b][u] properly allocating[/u][/b] your time with numbers can you win the favor of the girl you like! [h4]Participation conditions:[/h4] [olist] [*] The first version of this test is in simplified Chinese. Other languages will be updated later. If you don’t mind, you can participate directly. If you mind, you can contact Maomao to participate after the update [*] Must be over 18 years old [*] Leave your computer configuration in this comment area [*] You need to have a discord account. If you don’t have a discord account, you need to be able to draw and successfully register. [/olist] [h5] The qualifications for this test are randomly selected and have nothing to do with the order of registration. [/h5] [h3][u]After going online, active test players will receive game codes! ! ! [/u][/h3] [h3] Players who participate in the test are asked to be active and put forward suggestions and questions. After you are confirmed to have won the prize, a dedicated person will contact you. Please check your private message/friend list in time. [/h3] [h4]Remarks:[/h4] [olist] [*] If the participation conditions cannot be met, it will be deemed to be automatically abandoned. [*] It is prohibited to transfer test qualifications, packages, accounts, etc. to others [*] It is prohibited to crack/modify the package body used for testing [*] The game is still in the development stage, and the test content does not represent the final game quality. [/olist] [h4]Number of participants:[/h4] The number of players is tentatively set at 30, and the number of players will be increased later depending on the situation. [b]Start time:[/b]May 15, 2024 [b]End time:[/b]May 20, 2024 [b]Looking forward to your participation! [/b]