Lost Cities Kickstarter Launched!


Japanese legend tells of a great battle between two mighty Dragon Lord armies, locked in combat on the peaks of Mount Hotaka, competing to win the hand of the Princess Kushinada, the last and most beautiful of eight sisters.

Hey there, Tatsu Fans! We at BlueLine Game Studios are happy to announce that we have just launched a Kickstarter for our newest game: Lost Cities! It uses the same great engine that we used for Tatsu and have been growing over the years for our other games. The game will be available for Windows, Mac, and Linux, as usual, and we hope to use the Kickstarter to fund a bunch of translations and a few other new bells and whistles. We hope you'll take a few minutes to check out the Kickstarter: http://bluelinegamestudios.com/kickstarter/lost-cities We also have already put out a demo for the game that you can check out on the Lost Cities Steam page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/520680/Lost_Cities/ Thanks for your continued support of BlueLine Games! Enjoy!