Lose Yourself in the Endearing World of She and The Light Bearer

Banyu Lintar Angin - Little Storm -

Banyu Lintar Angin is a series of experimental illustrations about three siblings, living together independently in a rural Indonesian environment.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5485678/7bef19430d13e3779c75acf2527e9868fc39e10f.jpg[/img] Do you still remember the feeling of unfolding a story in a fairytale, when you eagerly anticipate what will happen next when you turn the page? Toge Productions, along with developer Mojiken Studio brings you She and the Light Bearer, a game that lets you experience that whimsical feeling with just a click. The game is available NOW on Steam for PC and Mac. She and The Light Bearer is a blend of point-and-click adventure gameplay and a music album that utilizes hand-drawn art, poetry, dialogue, and an instrumental acoustic soundtrack to offer a relaxing foray into a mystical realm of wonder. The aesthetic came under the influence of the creator herself. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/5485678/7672de1081288845c78febabca50c763b50a7c87.png[/img] Follow the journey of The Little Firefly who wanders in an unknown forest, carrying a grand task with them. As the world has lost its balance since The Mother fell into a deep slumber, our Little Firefly is entrusted to find The Mother to bring back harmony upon the land. In the unknown forest, The Little Firefly will have to solve various riddles, challenges, and puzzles to prove their worth and earn the forest’s trust. Deeper into the forest, they will learn the sacrifice of the forest, the horror of the Devourer, and the secret to awaken Mother. Find more details about the [url=http://togeproductions.com/shethegame/]game in its official website here[/url], or through its Steam page below: http://store.steampowered.com/app/658590/She_and_the_Light_Bearer/