LongStory 2 Valentine's Livestream

Later Daters - Premium

Welcome to Ye OLDE! Your new retirement paradise. Date as an octogenarian and find somebody to love, or just get your kicks in while the getting is good. Remember, if the chairs are rockin', don’t come a-knockin.

❤️ Tune in to the [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2427820/LongStory_2/]LongStory 2[/url] page on Palentine's Day, come find out what we're up to and learn all about our Kickstarter rewards! ❤️ [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/2427820/LongStory_2/][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGK4_Uib0AAM-9B?format=jpg&name=large[/img][/url] [previewyoutube=U1P8FhuHeuI;leftthumb][/previewyoutube]