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Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy management game uniting characters from throughout the D&D multiverse into a grand adventure.

Welcome to the 7th Anniversary of Idle Champions! It is the PERFECT time to revisit your formations! Log in now for a FREE Steam Exclusive Giveaway! [list] [*] Unlock Dungeon Master (Seat 6) [*] Unlock Diana (Seat 9) [*] 7 Gold Dungeon Master Chests [*] 7 Gold Diana Chests [*] 7,777 Gems! [/list] Until September 11th at Noon PT, log in every day to collect a daily anniversary chest packed full of goodies to help you push further and faster in your adventures! If you collect 4 of the 7 daily chests, you'll also unlock: [list] [*] Unlock Presto (Seat 2) [*] 3 Gold Presto Chests [*] An Epic Feat for Presto [*] Presto's Harvestguard Skin [/list] Thanks for playing, and here's to another 7 years of adventure!