Localisation Update #2

[h1]Barbaarit![/h1] [h2]Greetings warriors of Jur’mum![/h2] Today we’re adding localisations for [b]Swedish, Finnish, Brazilian Norwegian, Dutch, Danish and Czech.[/b] As with the previous patch, we’ve used AI based tools, they may contain mistranslations, but we still believe that it is something that might help you dive into the game. As with the previous experimental implementation, let us know if these are to your liking! To make sure we don't miss any of your voices, we are keeping a separate channel on our Discord, [b][url=https://discord.gg/hyperstrange-494562943204327435]Elderborn-Localisations[/url][/b]. There we encourage you to share your thoughts and any mistranslations that you come across. As in the previous update, we vow to fix all the things that you bring to us. [h3]You can find the dedicated discord channel here: [url=https://discord.gg/hyperstrange-494562943204327435]https://discord.gg/hyperstrange-494562943204327435[/url] [/h3] Let’s also quickly reiterate on what was already said previously regarding some questions: Q: Why aren't we using professional translators? A: We actively work with many translators. ELDERBORN's budget didn't account for other translations. Q: Are we planning to replace our translators with AI tools? A: Absolutely not. Using these tools is to aid in these cases where our resources are limited. [h2]More News From ELDERBORN[/h2] [previewyoutube=1gBtu9k9AYg;full][/previewyoutube] As a side note, really… really… long time ago, in another galaxy, we promised to bring ELDERBORN to consoles. While it took us way too long to do so, today we can happily announce that you can flex your barbaric muscles on a gamepad of your choice. Enjoy! [h2]Stay Barbaric[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/30880490/837feb3f28a9199565f25131081dd9a6a06b4fa0.png[/img]