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Scene Investigators

Scene Investigators is a hardcore deductive reasoning game for fans of the "true crime" genre. Step into re-created crime scenes, observe closely for pieces of evidence, analyze possible motives behind the crimes, and uncover what truly happened.

Hi everyone! It has been about two weeks since the release of Scene Investigators and we are thankful for those who have supported us throughout this process. The community has given us a lot of feedback since then. We've listened to them and have decided to improve Scene Investigators. The following contains a list of things that are part of our to-do list, though in no particular order. [olist] [*] Tone down the difficulty level of the 'Preliminary Trial' slightly. [*] Include more information about each case file during their selection window, such as difficulty level, so players can have some sort of expectation going into it. [*] Rearrange the order in which the case files are presented. [*] Provide a synopsis for all case files and its scenarios so there's an understanding of the crime scene for the players. [*] Provide 2 different game modes for different type of players: a 'normal mode' that provides indication for correct and wrong answers, and a 'hard mode' without any hand-holding which the game currently employs. [*] Improve the overall audio and BGMs. [*] Add more narrative and provide additional clues to 'Hughes Manor Feud', so it makes more sense when solving it. [*] Fix Japanese and Korean translation errors. [*] Fix in-game notepad bugs for a better user experience. [*] Provide 'clue' trees for those who have aced the case files so they can compare their deductions and reasonings. [/olist] The above list will take some time but the team is already working on it. In addition, we will continue to fix bugs found by players that cannot be recreated on our side, provide technical support, and continue monitoring all threads and reviews posted on Steam. We thank everyone for their patience. Sincerely, EQ Studios