Letter from the Devs - 29-09-2023

Generation Zero®

Generation Zero is a stealth-action shooter where you wage guerilla warfare against lethal mechanical enemies. Explore a vast open world map inspired by the Swedish Cold War era, take part in the resistance alone or with up to three friends in seamless co-op.

Greetings, Survivors! This Dev Letter is going to be something slightly different from what you’re used to. We’re trying out a new format of Dev Letters where we update you on what’s been happening in the GZ Community and, if we can, give you some insight on what we’ve been working on. We hope you enjoy this new form of communication! Let us know what you’d like to see in these letters and we’ll do our best to include some of your suggestions in future iterations. [h3]The Next Update[/h3] We are currently working hard on getting the next major update ready. Our community Beta Testers have already played the first version of it and given us tons of valuable feedback on how to make it even better – feedback we’re now implementing and testing further. Shout out to the 60 or so members who volunteer to help us test new builds to help us improve them before we release them into the wild! We can’t commit to a release date for this new update yet, but we are approaching it carefully and making sure everything goes as planned. Keep an eye on our social media channels in the upcoming weeks as we’ll be posting some teasers for what’s in this update! [h3]GZ is still free with PS Plus![/h3] Are you or someone you know a member of PS Plus? You might be entitled to a free copy of Generation Zero to download and keep forever! Over 1 million new fighters have joined the Resistance against the machines since this activation with Sony was started, which we are immensely proud of and grateful for. But the machines are relentless in their goal to defeat the humans of Östertörn, so we’ll take all the manpower we can get! If you know someone who has eyed the game before, but hasn’t checked in on it in a while, this is the perfect moment to have them give GZ a go. Remember, you’re stronger in numbers! Outlast the Machine Threat - together. [h3]Performance and Crash improvements[/h3] We want to reassure you that we’re closely monitoring our channels (social media comments, Discord chats, forum threads and the support site) for your bug reports. We’ve especially noticed players having problems with getting disconnected from multiplayer lobbies, crashing, or discrepancies in what the host sees versus what their co-op partners see. We’re already identified some of these issues and are working on fixing them. You’ll see a small amount of performance and crash fixes in the next update with much more to come in future releases. Here are some of the issues we’re especially aware of: [list] [*] Certain GPUs on PC get maxed out while the player is tabbed out of the game [*] XBOX performance can get worse while riding a motorbike, which sometimes even leads to crashes [*] PS5 is currently locked at 30FPS. 60FPS glory for all! [/list] [h3]Haiku Contest - win some keys for any platform![/h3] The Generation Zero Discord server recently passed 15k members (and is now already over 20k!), so we’ve kicked off a contest that has been going on for almost two weeks. The three best GZ related Haikus will receive keys for the GZ base game or any DLC, so if you know how to count syllables and have 5 minutes to spare, hop over there and participate for a chance to finally get your mitts on that weapon DLC you’ve been eyeing! The contest will end on October 2nd, 2023. [url=https://discord.gg/generationzero]Click here to join the Discord server![/url] simply complete the onboarding survey and go to the #announcements channel to read everything about how the contest works. Thank you for taking a break from combatting the machine overlords to read this letter. We look forward to talking more about what’s ahead with you in the next one! By the way, the Dev Letter about the process of making a road map is still under construction - just like the subject it talks about, it turned out to be longer and more complex than initially assumed, so we want to make sure to get every detail right. You can expect it in the coming weeks! Until then, cheers! The Generation Zero Dev Team